Little Green Fascists!
I just started "righting" for Little Green Fascists! I'm so excited! Go there & read how REAL Americans feel about our country!
This is America: Love it or leave it. Y'all got a problem with it? Then go have yer problems elsewheres.
I just started "righting" for Little Green Fascists! I'm so excited! Go there & read how REAL Americans feel about our country!
So Betty Jo, saw your comments on Just Ain't Right..I think Helen Rocks!!!
Do you know anything about Taurus and Scorpios? I am having a bit of trouble with the boyfriend. Love people who know about astrology and stuff!
Yawl are too sweet. Philby, hon, just go on ahead and put me up on yer site. I'd be real onnered.
Shelly, hon. I only practice my spirituality when it comes to Our Lord, so's I cain't help you with your asterologizing or nuthin. But I think Scorpios is supposed to be big trouble.
Plus they's ugly. Look at Charlie MAnson. He's a triple Scorpio, hon.
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