Betty Jo's White World

This is America: Love it or leave it. Y'all got a problem with it? Then go have yer problems elsewheres.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Don't make Betty Jo angry!

I was just mindin my own damm bizness today, at the Trader's Joe, stocking up on sundry items so's I can make a good stew outa this possum family I kilt yesterday (stupid thangs was livin in the car on my lawn!). So, I'm outside the Trader's Joe after gittin my thangs, and these patchooly-smellin mofo snotty librual kids about 20 year old or so start aksing me do I wanna sign up for the goddam ACLU!!!

Well, you shoulda seen their face when I spit on em and threatened to have them arrested. And lemme tell you. If they woulda kept pressin me, they asses woulda been chock full of buckshot. I hates that ACLU. They love terrists and they hate our God appointed president of George Bush.

So don't mess with Betty Jo you young commies. Less'n you want an ass full of pellets. And I don't "pepper" no one. I SHOOTS.


At 8:36 AM, Blogger Betty Jo Goering said...

Nahhh. I'm jus gone go down to Traders Joe and toss some hot coffee in they faces like you said, prolly later today. Then I'll be one happy camper.

I'll come on by fer a visit! I ain't got nothing else to do ceptin smokin some cigs and throwin coffee in hairy armpitted young 'uns faces.

At 12:01 PM, Blogger Betty Jo Goering said...

Well, Philbert, I do have an old shovel what my pappy used to hit my ma over the haid with. I could use that to dig some tunnels under my trailer, alright. But thet's sure a lot more work than tossin some hot coffee in a hairy, nasal-twangy tree screwin' librul. I'll hafta think about that one. Mebbe I kin trade possum stew for some young vir-ile diggers, if'n ya get my drift. Heh.

At 1:55 PM, Blogger Betty Jo Goering said...

I just don't like to waste good meat. And lots of meat likes to hang around my trailer, so it better watch its ass or it WILL end up in a pot on my stove.

Mebbe sausiges is a good idear, though. Thanks. I'll check with Philbert & see how to do thet.

At 1:56 PM, Blogger Betty Jo Goering said...

Wellll... I am kinda tough on grammer. So please watch yer spellin up in here. I don't get mad or nuthin, I just wanna make sure visiters know what a classy blog this'n is.

At 4:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Betty Jo, you the livin' patriot act ... I luvs ya ... ACLU they believes in comministic values ... things like equal rights ... I don't stand fer non o that ain't biblical .,. and it ain't right ... they wanna put Christians in jail fer preachin' gods word in the school ... terrble

At 10:06 AM, Blogger Betty Jo Goering said...

Why thanks Revernd. You know, I don't git preciated enough up in here for all the good I do in society. Why, just yesterday I left a nasty note up at the PETA website tellin them to leave off buggin me fer wearing fur. Now, I cain't afford a fur, but if I had a thousand dollars, that's where my money would go.

Stupid PETA!


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