Betty Jo's White World

This is America: Love it or leave it. Y'all got a problem with it? Then go have yer problems elsewheres.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Brokeback Mounting!

I ain't seen the movie 'cause I don't harken to gay types (ever since I got degayed in the Christian camp a couple year back). but this poster sure looked sweet. I done seen it up here in the internets and I thought I'd post it for yawl. See, sometime I think gays is just nice. Call me sentimental, but these two really look like they's in love.

Maybe it's movie "majic" or whatever. Mebbe they's just really good actors. But they look pertty happy to me.

I won't go see it cause I'm supposed to stay away from gay things, and I'd have to sit with stinky hippie types and foriners prolly. No, I won't go see it - spesially if I do, and word got out, they might kick me out of the conservitive world and all. We cain't have that. What would i blogster?

Update: Just as I suspected, the libruls really go fer this movie.


At 2:06 PM, Blogger Betty Jo Goering said...

Hey maybee I will see this movie. AWwww, them guys look so sweet.

I like your big bubba Christian wrasslers a lot! That's a lot of MAN touching MAN up on that there site! Yawl folks go and see what Philbert's talkin about. I tell you what, how'd my blog get to be so full of testosturone? Ha ha!

I am simply green with envy about your animal kills. You can shoot armodillas out there in texas too, didja know? What kinda squirrels they got out there? I have a couple stuffed in my trailer but that's 'cause one of my cats done kilt it.

I can't wait to see the new Christian Outdoorsman magazine. Wow Philbert you must be fambous, writing reviews in it. I'm so flattened that you come visit my blogster!

Thanks agin, I'm gone pass the word about your good Christian site and your strong Godly and Manly ways!

At 5:16 PM, Blogger Betty Jo Goering said...

I think yawl mean "Oh My" right? I did think this post of mine was qwite exellent.

Is that what you meant? RIchard Gere?

At 5:58 PM, Blogger Betty Jo Goering said...

Wow, you must get lotsa women looking like Richard Gere!

What's a mullet?

Glad you likes my post. I am gettin more deeper in my posts and this one is my favorit so fAR!

At 12:45 PM, Blogger Crackpot Press said...

I am a liberal.

I didn't care for Brokeback Mountain.. thought it was good, I just like more shooting in my westerns.

and more leather.

At 1:27 PM, Blogger Betty Jo Goering said...

Hell! I din't know there were some thangs that Libruls and Christian Republicants could agree on. I stand corrected. Thank you Mr. Crackpots!

At 9:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Betty Jo, I think you are a fine Christian woman ... do you enjoy gospel porn?

At 7:34 AM, Blogger Betty Jo Goering said...

Well, I thought porn was bad but seein as you are a Revernd and all, I guess it's OK then right?

Sure, I'd like to see some.

At 9:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's correct. This is what they call one of them new jenrays ... Christian porn ..., it's a new way of spreading the gospel and that makes it alright ... they used to say heavy metal was the devils music, but then along came Christian Rock ... you see ...

At 9:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same thing with that wrastlin ... massive amounts of Christian man flesh pressed together used to be forbidden according to the Lord, 'cept inside the walls of incarcuhnation in the pententury ... now ... when it's done with a Christian mind ... it's okay in the Lord's eyes ...

At 1:29 PM, Blogger Betty Jo Goering said...

I like the new jenray of Christian Porn awright. But Reverend I worry a little bit 'cause I was told at the Good Shepherd de-gaying camp thet I shouldn't look atnekkid women. However, I ain't too peppered to see a hairy big ass man's big hairy ass. So what d'you suggest?

At 3:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Betty Jo:
Jesus hisself had a hairy ass, cordin' ta skripture. Jesus hisself said not all carnivel knowledge is bad. It's kinda like speakin' in tongues, what they say 'bout this jenray, the lord can take possession of a body, durin' an act o' holy congress ... now the lord can't move within in a homuhsekshul sitcheation, however, now ... now ... some say skripture says the man can't look at the man's nekked ass and the woman can't look at the womens nekkedness ... but the man can look at the woman while the man is doin' the Lord's Christian work and the woman likewise can look at the man while she is doin' her part of the Lord's Christian work ... this jenray ... well ... it's a little more complikated than your non-Lord approved pornography ... sometimes a body has to close one eye and squint a little to keep from seein' too much what the Lord don't want a body to see ...

At 3:46 PM, Blogger Betty Jo Goering said...

WEll, I won't be doin nuthin with no many nohow if MY own man don't come back from the store. He went out about 3-4 week ago now, but no sign yet.

Where you say I kin rent me these here gospel porn videos? Maybe that'll keep me out of trouble 'til my man gets back.

Well you know the Lord aint' involved with it comes to homersectials! They's evil and doin' the devils work!

At 4:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, yore man might be havin' a porn addiction. Only way to cure that is to watch CHRISTIAN PORN it's about being saved. take a little gander at:
Rev. Flenky’s Christian Porn Explained for Real

At 4:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, I ain't too good on them links things sometime i guess ... so, if you'un just past this in yore brouzer, you'n can see the article 'bout the right Rev. Flenky, brother Flenky knows how to save a soul

At 10:08 AM, Blogger Betty Jo Goering said...

Wow, he sure do. THet was one informitive peace! Thank yawl, Revernd!

At 10:56 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

It's funny, 'cause it's true!


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