Where all my fans got to?
Hey yawl. This hear's Betty Jo. Where all my faithful readers off to? If'n you are up to somethin exciting, please let me know up in here, OKAY?
I sure miss my fans. What I'm gone do if I don't have some fan's comments to read yawl?
Hi Betty Jo,
I was out visiting some dilapidated bridges. I was going to walk across one of them but I learned that that bridge lead to nowhere. I saw a little troll under one of the Bridges. His name was Johnny and man was he UUGLYY. A guy even uglier than Johnny Troll saw him and rolled a big ol' log at it. Then stepped on him and squashed him flatter than a cow pie. Stunk to high heaven too.
So what's new with you?
Hi, Anonymous. Sorry I cain't understand your cripick message. But I sure like havin your comment!
Nothins going on axcept some mofo librual greasy hair kids just drove by with some Neil Young song up real loud in they car. I had to toss some eggs at em, make them think twice.
Some days I just hates L.A., y'know?
Mr. Mann! What are you doing here!?!? Do you surf the internets looking for single women so you can make a move on them? Betty Jo, he tried to make a move on me at my blog just the other night! I swear! I though I was your only one!
this blog is a joke right????
either that or you're all idiots...nice pic...pfft.
Mr. Mann, how nice of you to stop by. I sure miss you lots. Now I just put a new post up in here for yawl to read. So don't go strayin over to that Carrie's blog. Mebbe I'm a bit behind in my bloggin but Carrie's trying to steal you so I know you better watch yerself OKAY? Betty Jo don't like pretty competition!
Hey Anonymouse, if'n you don't like my blog, don't read it. What you mean "joke"? Man that pisses off Betty Jo and yawl do NOT want to make Betty Jo angry.
Dammit yawl should go read Carrie Oakey's damm blog if mine ain't good enough. She writes purtier. Maybe you like purty writin.
Hi Robot's Buddha. Nice to see yawl. I think you gone like my newest post go see!
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