President Bush sure is Tough Yawl!
Sorry readers of Betty Jo's White World. I been sort of asleep at the wheel lately. I took lots of days off this summer 'cause I was just plum tired. It takes alot out of a woman to have to ketch what she eats (for the most part).
Well. I sure appreshiate yawl who stop by even though I ain't been living up to my usual standard of journalistic excellense.
Did yawl see Mr. President George Bush in the rose garden on Friday? I'm tellin yawl. That was some show of strenght what he did. He looked meaner 'n a pit bull on a poodle. I thought he was gone attack that nasty David Gregory and tear his hair out, or at least bust him one upside the haid like Gregory deserved, yawl. How dare that man question Mr. Bush, who God hisself appointed to lead this hear GREATEST COUNTRY ON EARTH? I gotta ast yawl.
You gotta be proud of a President who wants to kick the livin' shit outa those who ain't agree with him, since he's always right. Looks like part of the job of being a President (appointed by God) is that you gotta keep defending yourself. Well, MR. Bush did a stand-up job. I bet someone hadda tie hisself to the podium with chains to keep him from attackin' that nasty-ass (probly Librual) press core. They was all sittin there like spiders waitin' to pounce. But President Bush sure showed them.
They wanna know why he ain't tough on torture? Ain't it obvious? We ain't the greatest nation on earth for being pansies, yawl. Beat them terror suspects good if they ain't giving up their terrorismic plans. That's what I say.
OK now I gotta go. My cousin's havin a yard sale and I wanna make sure no stinkin cheap-ass librual mofos git first pick. It ain't like she's sellin Burkenstocks. That would make 'em swarm for sure. Still, they like to come around and feel up all us conservatives stuff. Well, I ain't havin it. Stinkin' poor cheap-ass libruals, fingerin up all Loula May's goods!
"meaner 'n a pittBull on a poodle"?
A poocle is the best lap dog you'll ever find! Ever see a shaved poodle? I think the president took care of their asses like a wild wolf on a pittBull. PittBulls should be beaten and euthanized.
Hey you watch it there Rhesus. I like dogs! I specially like pit bulls. So don't be sayin mean things about em yawl.
I like poodles too but they's always yappin.
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